Monday, February 27, 2012

Day 526

Things I'm thankful for:
1. A Healthy Baby
A friend from high school spends most of her time in the hospital with her son, who has a medical condition of some sort...that's probably killing him.  He actually died last night, but they brought him back, thank God.  I'm following the posts of a Facebook page for a little boy named Liam, who was born with half a heart.  He's a year old now, and his family is still hunting for a doctor who can fix him.  They post pictures of this adorable little chubby baby...covered in tubes and monitors.  He's on painkillers, and they're trying to wean him off them. I have friends who delivered at 25 and 26 weeks, and friends who suffered miscarriages.  I WEEP when I think about how lucky I am, how BLESSED, to have a child who is in perfect health.
2. My Wonderful Husband
Matt has taken to fatherhood so very well.  :)  He takes care of me (I sit on the couch and feed the kid - he brings me my painkillers and rubs my feet and unpacks boxes and checks my incision and tells me I'm a good mom), so I can take care of Theresa.  And he helps take care of her, too...changing diapers and rocking her to sleep.  He does not have that godawful "taking care of the kids is YOUR job" attitude...which is good, because I might smack him.  ;)
3. Team Grandma
My in-laws are in the process of moving here from out of state - they just bought a house not too far from ours.  My mother-in-law comes over every day to make sure we all get lunch and dinner, and she cleans the kitchen.  My mom is staying with us for two weeks, helping me unpack (we just moved two weeks ago!!), and helping me not have an utter and complete meltdown on account of this kid.
4. The Internet, especially Facebook
I would have lost my mind weeks ago if it weren't for being able to look things up online, talk to friends, and generally waste time and screw around online.  :)

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Day 470

Merry Christmas!  No, silly Protestants, it's not over.  We've got another week left!  We're celebrating Epiphany on the 8th this year.

Also!  Laundry Monster: 2, LM Slayer: 345672834!  Or at least that's what it feels like.  I did a TON of laundry this weekend.  Spent most of Saturday watching Scrubs (like 10 episodes, good Lord, that's a lot of not-very-good TV)...and doing laundry.  Got almost all of it done, just 2 or 3 loads left to go.  Changed the sheets...yeah, that was a little overdue.   Tomorrow, since I don't have to go to work (YAY!!!), I'm going to finish the laundry.  Awesome goal: everything that is dirty will be clean, and everything that is clean will be PUT AWAY.  :)  Huzzah!  Hopefully I can do it.  And not get to the last load being in the dryer and go, eh, good enough.